Gestational pathology

Gestational pathology is the study and treatment of pathological conditions that may occur during pregnancy. These conditions can affect the mother, fetus, or both.

The most common pathological conditions of pregnancy (Gestational pathology) include:

  • Preeclampsia: This is a serious complication of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and proteins in the urine. It can lead to premature birth, placental abruption and even death of the mother or fetus.
  • Hyperemesis: This is a condition characterized by intense nausea and vomiting, which can lead to dehydration and weight loss.
  • Gestational diabetes mellitus: This is a form of diabetes that first appears during pregnancy. It can increase your risk for pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia and premature birth.
  • Infections: Infections, such as urinary tract infection, respiratory tract infection, and mouth infection, can increase your risk for pregnancy complications, such as miscarriage and preterm birth.
  • Being overweight or obese: Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and preterm birth.
  • Women from developing countries are at higher risk for pregnancy complications such as maternal mortality, premature mortality and low birth weight newborns.

Early diagnosis and treatment of gestational pathologies can help improve maternal and fetal outcomes.

It is important to inform pregnant women about the risk factors for pregnancy conditions and encourage them to make regular preventive medical appointments. It is also important to ensure that pregnant women have access to quality healthcare so that they can receive early diagnosis and treatment in case pathological conditions occur.

Here are some specific actions we take to help pregnant women with Gestational pathology:

  • We carefully evaluate the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. This includes history taking, physical examination, laboratory tests and diagnostic tests such as ultrasound and cardiotocography.
  • We develop a care plan for the pregnant woman. This plan may include medication, monitoring the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, and invasive treatments, such as premature birth.
  • We inform the pregnant woman about her condition and her options. It is important to provide pregnant women with all the information they need to make informed decisions about their care.
  • We support the pregnant woman and her family. Pregnancy with pathological conditions can be a stressful and difficult experience. It is important to provide emotional support to pregnant women and their families.

Pathology of pregnancy is a complex topic. Don't hesitate to discuss your concerns with your doctor.

Παθολογία κύησης

Athanasios G. Papanikolaou
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Athanasios Papanikolaou

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