What is gynecological ultrasound and how does it work?
Gynecological ultrasound is a non-invasive, imaging method, painless for women. It works by sending sound waves, which with the help of a special computer program are analyzed giving the image through a screen. It is a safe method for the patient without fear of radiation exposure.
How is a gynecological ultrasound performed?
Gynecological ultrasound can be done either from the abdomen or transvaginally. If the woman has started her sexual intercourse or does not have problems with vaginal dryness (at advanced ages), transvaginal ultrasound is preferred due to greater clarity. Transvaginal ultrasound should be done with the bladder empty. It is important to carry out it at least once a year as part of the annual gynecological check-up. However, in no case can it replace gynecological examination.
What days of the cycle can ultrasound be performed?
Gynecological ultrasound can be performed on any day of the cycle. In fact, if necessary, it can be carried out even on menstrual days.
Why is ultrasound performed?
With ultrasound, the gynecologist is able to check the size, composition and morphology of the woman's internal genitalia. Simply put, he is given the opportunity to examine the uterus and ovaries.
Why is uterine screening important?
Control of the uterus is very important for the presence of various pathologies that occur in the genital tract of the woman. Examples of such pathologies are:
- Fibroids
- Adenomyosis
- Endometriosis
- Uterine polyps
In addition, ultrasound diagnoses problems related to the anatomy of the uterus, which depending on the case is characterized as bicornuate, didelphic, heart-shaped. The existence of such abnormalities often justifies infertility problems.
Which organs does gynecological ultrasound check?
Gynecological ultrasound also checks other organs besides the uterus.
The endometrium: The thickness of the endometrium is checked, as well as the possibility of polyps. The thickness of the endometrium gives the gynecologist useful information about the phase of the cycle, as well as its response to possible medications.
The fallopian tubes: The fallopian tubes are depicted only in pathological conditions, such as inflammation or the presence of fluid (hydrosalpinge).
The ovaries: Very important is the use of ultrasound to check the ovaries. The gynecologist is able to record their tumor and distinguish the presence of cysts, formations benign or not. In fact, with the help of technology and DOPPLER, the doctor can study the vascularization of such types of formations, playing an important role in differential diagnosis.
Follicles: The gynecologist may also examine the number of follicles after ovarian stimulation (for reasons of infertility). Also, gynecological ultrasound is used to diagnose pathological conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).
Ultrasound enables the diagnosis of other types of pathological conditions, such as pelvic inflammations (with the presence of free fluid collection in the Douglasian area). It is also possible to check for the existence of any ectopic pregnancy.
The Gynecologist – Obstetrician Dr. Athanasios Papanikolaou is licensed to perform gynecological ultrasounds by the Ministry of Health and performs gynecological ultrasounds daily in his practice. Recognizing that proper diagnosis is the first step to treatment, it places great emphasis on examining and justifying any symptoms.
With discretion and respect for every woman, she makes sure to offer personalized treatments that will provide a solution to any problem. Do not hesitate to contact him!