ICSI Micro fertilization

What is ICSI Micro fertilization?

With the term ICSI Micro fertilization we mean the method used to treat infertility when there is a male etiology. As is well known, fertility problems are faced not only by women, but also by men. Thus, couples who wish to have a family and face difficulties due to the quality and motility of sperm, find a solution in micro fertilization.

The acronym ICSI (Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) scientifically attributed to the method indicates exactly the procedure followed. Intra ovarian sperm injection, as it is called in Greek, involves the injection of a sperm into an egg. The procedure is carried out in the laboratory with delicate manipulations and special tools by the specialized doctor.

When is it indicated?

Aiming to provide a solution to male infertility, ICSI is indicated in the following cases:

  • Minimum sperm concentration (oligospermia)
  • Low sperm motility (asthenospermia)
  • Low percentage of eggs with normal morphology (teratospermia)

In fact, it is possible that all three of the above disorders coexist. This phenomenon is called oligoasthenospermia.

Another case in which micro fertilization is applied concerns the female factor. More specifically, if there is a small number of eggs, injecting spermatozoa directly into the egg increases its chances of fertilization.

Fertility problems are faced not only by women, but also by men. Thus, couples who wish to have a family and face difficulties due to the quality and motility of sperm, find a solution in micro fertilization.

What stages does Micro fertilization involve?

In the beginning, the procedure is the same as a classic IVF cycle. After the necessary tests for the couple, both eggs and sperm are collected. After the necessary processing, the mature eggs that have been collected are fertilized each with a spermatozoon. A special tool, the pipette, holds the egg, and then with a special needle the injection of sperm is performed.

After this procedure, the fertilized eggs are checked in the laboratory. If the resulting embryos are healthy, then we move on to the next stage that of embryo transfer. Embryo transfer is the last and most important stage of micro fertilization and IVF in general.

Are there any contraindications for Micro fertilization?

Sometimes, male infertility is due to genetic factors. With ICSI, men are given the opportunity to start a family, something that would not be possible normally. However, the child who comes into the world may inherit the disorder responsible for his father's infertility. Thus, it is possible that the child born by micro fertilization will face the same fertility problems growing up.

The female factor in ICSI Micro fertilization

The female factor is also important in micro fertilization. It is worth mentioning that there are cases where infertility does not concern only one of the two. It can be due to both the man and the woman. For this reason, the Reproductive Gynecologist makes sure that all the necessary tests are carried out for the couple. Depending on the case and taking into account their specific needs, it will discuss with them all possible options.

Another element to consider is the age of the woman. As age increases, the chances of a woman becoming pregnant decrease. This is because egg quality is an important factor for the success of IVF.

Any questions you may have about ICS, do not hesitate to contact us! Reproduction Gynecologist Athanasios Papanikolaou specializes in Assisted Reproduction  has many years of experience in IVF. Its goal is to offer couples the best possible solution with professionalism and respect to their needs

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