Intrauterine Insemination I.U.I

What is Intrauterine Insemination I.U.I.?

Insemination or otherwise Intrauterine Insemination I.U.I. is one of the most common methods of Assisted Reproduction. It is widely used by many couples, while it is chosen many times before the woman starts an IVF cycle.
Just as the word itself defines, the term insemination means the deposition of a sperm sample directly into the endometrial cavity. The sperm used is properly processed in the laboratory and thus the best and the strongest are finally selected.
With this procedure, we have a quality sperm, while at the same time, other obstacles in the path of sperm are bypassed, and such as in some cases the cervical factor. Thus, the chances of fertilization of the egg increase.

Assisted Reproduction & Intrauterine Insemination I.U.I.

Intrauterine Insemination I.U.I. is a painless and safe procedure. It is chosen in cases of infertility, i.e. when pregnancy does not occur even though the couple has free sexual intercourse. One of the advantages of the method is that it does not have a large financial cost.
Of course, each case is different and the opinion of the specialist doctor is important. The specialized Reproductive Gynecologist takes into account all parameters, such as the couple's medical history and their particular needs. Then, he is able to suggest the appropriate treatment for them.

In which cases is Intrauterine Insemination I.U.I. indicated?

Intrauterine Insemination I.U.I. is indicated in cases of infertility mainly due to the male factor. For example, the man may have slight or mild lesions of sperm mainly in motility and concentration. The diagnosis of these parameters arises after a semen analysis.

What is the purpose of insemination?

The purpose of insemination is the fertilization of the egg and eventually pregnancy. To do this, ovulation is carried out either in a natural cycle or after the administration of hormones. For this reason, sperm deposition takes place at a specific time.
Insemination is a painless and safe procedure, which is indicated in cases of infertility mainly due to the male factor.

What does the process involve?

The process of insemination initially involves the collection and control of sperm. For this, the man should give a semen sample two hours before in the laboratory.
The deposition of the appropriate processed sperm is done with the woman in a classic gynecological position, without anesthesia. With the help of a very small catheter, the specialized Reproductive Gynecologist places the sperm into the uterus through the cervix. After checking that everything has gone well, in the end, with fine movements he removes the catheter.
The procedure is absolutely painless and is carried out in a very short time.

How does the doctor know that it is the right time for insemination?

The appropriate timing of insemination is done by ultrasound examination of the ovaries and preparation of the endometrium. Since the egg must be fertilized within 12 – 24 hours after ovulation, the choice of the right time is extremely important.

What follows insemination?

About two weeks, the woman will be able to take a pregnancy test. If the result is negative, then the couple can try again. Consult your specialist doctor to suggest the appropriate treatment that suits your needs!

Dr. Athanasios Papanikolaou is an Obstetrician – Gynecologist specializing in Assisted Reproduction. With studies in Greece and abroad, the doctor has many years of experience in dealing with even the most demanding cases. Its goal is to offer high quality services tailored to the specific needs of each couple. Ask him about the new semen test that adds more information!


Athanasios G. Papanikolaou
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Athanasios Papanikolaou

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