What is menopause?
Menopause is a normal phenomenon in the development of a woman's life, it is defined as the definitive cessation of menstruation, that is, menstruation. The average age where it occurs is about 51.4 years with a deviation of 3.8 years. It lies primarily in a hormonal change in the female organism. This change leads the woman to the non-reproductive phase of her life, the climacterium.
What are the causes of menopause?
The factors affecting its appearance are varied. Some of them are:
- Family history
- Age of the first period
- Number of deliveries
- Nutrition
- Smoking
- Autoimmune diseases
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms resulting from this hormonal change are various. The most characteristic and common are the following:
- Difficulty sleeping
- Frequent head pain
- Tendency to urinary tract infections
- Instability of emotions and change in the woman's psyche. In about 60% of women, depressed mood, melancholy, lack of mood and energy occur
- Decrease in sexual activity (Libido), which is aggravated by vaginal atrophy, that is, dryness of the area of the female system
- Hot flashes, is a feeling of heat in the skin mainly in the facial area with extension to the neck and chest
- Sweating in sleep
- Palpitations
- Tachycardia and perhaps arrhythmia
- Osteoporosis, bones become more fragile and the risk of fracture increases. Bone mineral density measurement (BMD) is considered necessary at this age
- Greater risk for heart failure, coronary heart disease and stroke
How is diagnosed?
The diagnosis is made one year after the last menstruation and can be easily detected through the gynecologist with a simple examination or through blood tests.
Treatment – Menopause Treatment
Menopause is a completely normal process and for this reason there is no cure for it. However, the symptoms resulting from menopause can be treated as they hinder everyday life in all areas of a woman's professional, personal and social life.
The gynecologist takes into account the age of the patient as well as her particular characteristics in order to administer the appropriate medication for her. This treatment may include hormone restoration therapy, vitamin supplements, and creams for the vaginal area or even psychotherapy sessions in cases where menopause affects the woman's psychology.
Medication, however, is not enough. The patient is advised to make certain changes in the way she lives. These changes can be:
- Initiation of regular physical exercise
- Change of diet (lower consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking cessation, less consumption of spicy foods, etc.)
- You may be asked by your doctor to perform a health review once a year or on a more frequent basis if and when the doctor deems it necessary.
Dr. Athanasios Papanikolaou is a Gynecologist – Assisted Reproduction & IVF Specialist with many years of experience in his field in Greece and abroad. He will accompany you on this path of menopause giving you the appropriate advice to prevent problems that may arise in order to overcome this phase of your life in the best possible way.